Dropping of the body temperature is an indication telling that something wrong has occurred in the body. “Thermotherapy is a treatment to activate metabolism by heating the body.”

There are many differences between the environment where mankind
has lived for long time and the modern life. Especially it all start with focus on the mental activities,
reducing amounts of exercising, and activities continue even during night time.
These changes break the balance in our body where it causes displeasure and discomfort and
lead to ending up with pains and the development of diseases.
Accordingly, thermotherapy emerged as a treatment helping to activate the collapsed health system
and make it easier to adapt to the new environment. Warming the inside of the body by
increasing body temperature and basal metabolism will happen to makes enchancing body functions
and support to recover quickly to meet restful state.
Thermotherapy is a way to restore homeostasis of our body naturally.
The most common thermotherapy is a footbath. The footbath is a method of soaking the feet in the
warm water to heat up the body and it is economical to practice easily in modernlife style with no side
effects at any body comditions.

The footbath may end when the body feels warm and sweats are
about to flow under the arms or on the forehead.

Water temperature should stay at constant level to use proper footbath.
It would be better off if temperature changes less over time from the beginning
and the end of the footbath and doesn’t vary over the depth.
The depth of the water is appropriate when the Sanyinjiao acupressure point above the
ankle bone (15-18cm up from the foot) is submerged. For safety, it is recommended to use a
footbath machine in conformity with standards for medical devices.

  • 36.5˚Tissues or organs in our body are integrated and controlled by nerves and hormones and activated by the action of enzymes. Blood plays the role of connecting these functions and supplying and circulating the required materials. Blood supplies nutrients and oxygen to tissues or organs, excretes waste matter from the body where it keeps the distribution of body temperature even by transferring heat generated in the muscles or liver, and engages in immunity along with lymph. However, blood flow or the actions of enzymes will degrade as body temperature drops where it results in metabolism collapse and weakening in immunity system. Therefore, if proper body temperature is maintained and blood circulation is done smoothly the immunity to pathogens or stress increases and a comfortable life can be realized.
  • NerveThere are several types of nerves; especially, the “autonomic nerves” connected with internal organs control functions directly related to survival such as heart rate and breathing, digestion and absorption, excretion, sleep, and regulation of body temperature. ‘Autonomic nerves’ control the body functions in a way of balancing between ‘sympathetic nerves’ and ‘parasympathetic nerves.’
  • HormoneHormone is the substance maintaining body’s growth and reproduction, metabolism and homeostasis, transporting through blood vessels to react to a specific cell with receptors. Hormone in the blood reacts only with receptors therefore, whether or not a hormone reacts is affected by the function of the receptor and blood flow.
  • EnzymeEnzyme is a catalyst involved in numerous biochemical reactions in the body. Foods taken into the body are first decomposed and then composed again, becoming some body cells or used for energy. While breathing, oxygen is taken in and carbon dioxide is taken out. As such, the body metabolism consists of continuing biochemical reactions, and in doing so the reaction speed is determined by the actions of enzymes. The efficiency of enzymes are based on the body temperature most active at 36-38 degrees.
  • ImmunityImmunity is the ability of defense against foreign substances and controlled by the white blood cells in the blood there are many types of white blood cells and their functions are diverse therefore, they are under control of the “autonomic nerves.” As ‘sympathetic nerve’ dominates, the white blood cells (granule) increase which prevent the invasion of various bacteria. As parasympathetic nerve’ dominates, in turn, the white blood cells(lymphocytes) increases which dispose of mutated cells like aged cells or cancer cells or create antibodies against pollen or viruses.
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